Đọc tin:
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Tóm tắt:

Introduces letters, faxes, and emails, including a detailed presentation of the characteristic features of each and a discussion of the advantages, disadvantages, recommended writing style, and appropriate uses of emails in business correspondence. Deals with content and style in business writing, including length, order and sequence, organization, courtesy, idioms, clarity, and accuracy in writing. Present the six following types of transactions: enquiries, replies and quotations, orders, payment, complaints and adjustments, and credit. Cover the four following types of commercial organizations: banking, agents and agencies, transportation and shipping, and insurance. Deals with miscellaneous correspondence such as travel reservations, appointments, invitations, and letters used in special occasions. Presents memos and reports; and finally. Handles personal appointments, including letters of application and cvs. Each of the units is fully illustrated with various examples, provided from the main types of commercial organizations such as banks, agencies, and insurance companies.

Mô tả tài liệu :

Oxford handbook of commercial corresponddence / A. Ashley.- Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003.- 304p, 30cm, 0 19 457213 7

Số phân loại:   428.24/ A826

Nơi lưu trữ: TTHL –Tầng 2

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